A drug dealer from Cherry Hinton who assaulted two police officers in Cambridge has been jailed.

Muhammed Rashid, 26, was travelling in a beige Skoda Octavia at about 11.35pm on May 12 when the vehicle was stopped by officers in Castle Street.

When officers approached on foot, they noticed a strong smell of cannabis coming from the vehicle.

Rashid, who was in the front passenger seat, resisted arrest and tried to conceal a black mobile phone he was holding in his right hand.

With the driver complying, the second officer came to assist and managed to retrieve the mobile phone. However, Rashid continued to resist and kicked one of the officers in the stomach.

Cambs Times: Drug dealer Muhammed Rashid, of Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, has been jailed for assaulting two police officers.Drug dealer Muhammed Rashid, of Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, has been jailed for assaulting two police officers. (Image: Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

Both officers shouted at Rashid to stop resisting, but he continued to kick out and they called for further assistance.

Rashid attempted to push and headbutt the officers in a failed bid to escape, before additional officers arrived, and he was arrested.

When Rashid was searched, officers found a large quantity of cash in a pocket of his jeans and a black bag he was wearing. 

Officers searched the vehicle, where they discovered two carrier bags containing cannabis.

Rashid, of Desmond Avenue, Cherry Hinton, Cambridge, admitted possession with intent to supply cannabis, acquiring criminal property and two counts of assault by beating of an emergency worker.

On Monday August 21, at Cambridge Crown Court, he was jailed for 57 weeks.