A planning application has been submitted to Fenland District Council to build up to 50 new homes in a town.

The plan, put forward by Cannon Kirk Developments, proposes up to 50 new homes, as well as the demolition of the existing home and outbuildings on land north of Lambs Hill Drove in March.

It also proposes for a public open space area, landscaping, and a children's play area to be built.

The houses are set to be a range of market housing and social, affordable or intermediate rent homes. The number of bedrooms in each home has not yet been confirmed.

The land, near Lambs Hill Drove, is currently being used agricultural and paddock land with one home and outbuildings on it.

Recommended Reading: Plans for 44 new homes near Bridge Lane in Wimblington

As part of the planning process, the NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board were consulted on the plans.

In a public response, a spokesperson for the NHS Board said: "The proposed development is likely to have an impact on the services of the four GP practices operating within the vicinity of the application: Cornerstone Practice, Mercheford Practice, Riverside Practice and Wimblington Surgery.

"None of these practices have capacity to take on additional patients and this deveopment of number of dwellings would see an increase patient pressure of circa 120 new residents, which would require additional Whole Time Equivalent GP/Nurse workforce to support the increase in appointments."

March residents have also raised their own concerns about the development, mainly to do with the environment.

In a public comment objecting to the application, one resident said: "We have bats in our garden, and this development  is going to affect their habitat. Deer currently roam this field too."

They continued: "There have been no efforts to reduce the speed on Wimblington Road, and new junctions and increased traffic will only exacerbate the situation.

"Anti social behaviour already occurs on Lambs Hill Drove. If this application occurs first it will encourage a 'race track' on the largely vacant access roads."

Anyone who would like more information on the planning application can access it via the Fenland District Council public access system. The reference number is: F/YR24/0456/O.