A Fenland-based weight loss consultant has celebrated her 30th anniversary with Slimming World.

The festivity took place recently, during the 9.30am and 11.30am sessions at the Chatteris Slimming World group.

Consultant Georgina Plumb was delighted when her social team revealed a surprise party to mark her milestone achievement.

Ms Plumb began her time with Slimming World at a 7.30pm group in Chatteris on July 26, 1994.

Jamie Holland her team developer for Slimming World congratulated her with flowers from head office Jamie Holland her team developer for Slimming World congratulated her with flowers from head office (Image: Submitted)

Following stints at Bricstan and Sutton – where she used to attend and shed her excess weight – Ms Plumb became a consultant.

After some time, she subsequently took charge of groups in Cottenham and Bar Hill.

Throughout her reign, Ms Plumb has lived up to her role, inspiring countless individuals to overhaul their lifestyles for the better.

Besides her considerable professional success, she has helped numerous followers annually.

Her life took a challenging turn in December when she had a serious scare that necessitated a long recuperation period away from her family over Christmas.

Upon regaining her health, she made a jubilant return to her group in April.

Her members welcomed her back in style, a testament to her significant influence.

This surprise party proved to be an excellent chance for her to commune with current and former members.

Ms Plumb began her time with Slimming World on July 26, 1994 Ms Plumb began her time with Slimming World on July 26, 1994 (Image: Submitted)

They showed their love and appreciation for their devoted consultant, gifting her with cards and presents, including a captivating personalised song.

Jamie Holland, the team developer for Slimming World, offered congratulations along with flowers from the headquarters.

Folk who are mulling over the prospect of joining Slimming World can contact Ms Plumb at 07770 757872.

People can also stop by one of the Tuesday morning meetings, either at 9.30am or 11.30am, at the King Edward Centre, Chatteris, where open arms and warm hearts always await newcomers.