A Fenland "heroine" who went above and beyond to help the community on the day of Manea Gala has been praised by the organising committee. 

Katie Allebone, who has pre-existing health problems with her knees, asked if she could carry a collection bucket in the parade. 

Her determination paid off, as she not only walked the entire length but managed to collect more than £170 towards gala funds.

"I couldn't believe how heavy the bucket was when she arrived at the playing field, still walking, and handed it over to us," said Manea Gala committee member Stephen Short. 

He added that "heroine" Katie - who "never complained about her pain" - even helped them to gather in chairs and bunting right until it got dark.

Although Katie has been "in agony" ever since - she even had to go to Addenbrooke's Hospital for steroid injections to help relieve her pain - she is said to be recovering well.

To cheer her up, Santa even asked Katie if she would like to help him switch on the Manea Gala Christmas Lights on December 8.  

(Image: Stephen Short)

(Image: Stephen Short)