Artwork in celebration of Disability Pride Month has gone on display at March Library.

Transforming Attitudes is a collaboration between students from FACET, who support adults with learning disabilities, members of Eddie’s, a local disability arts group and volunteers from Scope charity shop in the town.

By showcasing their talents and abilities, they aim to transform attitudes towards disabled people.

Sophie Pearson, youth and community engagement officer for East Anglia at Scope, said: "I’d like to thank March Library who have been incredibly supportive helping us organise the event.

“Disability Pride Month is a very special time and I know all our talented artists are extremely excited to see their stunning work exhibited.

"There’s a wonderfully diverse range of art, from paintings, to models, woodwork, mosaic and a film.

“The exhibition is just one of the activities that Scope’s community engagement groups are coordinating in the local area to support disabled people, their families and carers.

“We hope the March community will join us in this celebration of wonderful talent.”

(Image: FACET)

(Image: FACET)