Dr Will Fletcher, the team leader at Historic England’s East Region, gave an interesting and informative presentation to the latest meeting of The March Society about the work done by his organisation.

Will explained that HE is a government body, funded by the taxpayer, and sponsored by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.

It advises on the historic environment and matters relating to the preservation of buildings and environments of special historical interest. It was created by the 1983 National Heritage Act.

In the East of England, HE oversees more than 57,000 listed buildings, 1,000 conservation areas, 1,000 scheduled monuments as well as 200 parks and gardens.

A 1967 Parliamentary Act introduced the Conservation Areas concept, it aims to protect areas of special historical interest.

EH may provide financial help for historical buildings at risk. The funding may be accessed by community groups, charities and others.

In 2021, Wisbech Museum received more than £0.5million for urgent repairs to its grade II listed building.

Several of the noted ‘listings’ in this area include St Wendreda’s Church, the March Sconce, Flag Fen and Must Farm.

Will remarked that the construction of the Fens Reservoir will provide opportunities to further explore the history of the local area because the construction site is near the locations of scheduled monuments, conservation areas and listed buildings.

The March Society’s next talk will be on Wednesday, September 18 at 7pm in March Library when Joan Munns of March Wildlife and March Woodland Groups will give a presentation on ‘March Wildlife and the Changes over the Years’.

This will be preceded by The March Society’s AGM. Come along for an interesting talk, refreshments and latest March news. There is no charge. Everyone welcome. The March Society needs new active committee members at the AGM to continue after 17 years.

If you are interested please contact the Society. email: info@themarchsociety.org.uk website https://themarchsociety.chessck.co.uk/