Free events will take place in Tydd St Giles and Eastrea aimed at providing support and services for people over 60.

These latest Golden Age events, coordinated by Fenland District Council, will showcase over 25 service providers offering a variety of information beneficial for the over sixties.

Attendees can look forward to being updated on independent living, emotional, financial, legal and carers’ support.

Additionally, there will be information about health, home security, transport, learning, social and volunteering opportunities.

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There will also be special assistance for eastern European communities and armed forces.

These events are free for everyone.

Attendees can simply drop in, have a cup of hot drink and a slice of cake at no cost, and also take home a free canvas bag with goodies such as a reusable cup.

The first event will be happening on Friday, September 13, from 10am until 1pm, at the Tydd St Giles Community Centre.

The second event will also run from 10am to 1pm and will be located at The Eastrea Centre on Friday, September 20.

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Cllr Sam Clark, Golden Age team leader, said: “We’re always delighted to enable these events with the support of so many partners to bring vital help and information to over 60s in our communities.”

These events have been made possible through the collaborative efforts of the Fenland District Council, Whittlesey Town Council, and Tydd St Giles Parish Council.

Mac’s Golden Age events, initiated in 2003 by the late Cllr Mac Cotterell MBE, are held throughout the year across the district to provide invaluable support for the elderly.

Details of future events can be found at