A new state-of-the-art drive thru café and automated car wash is coming to March after plans were given the green light. 

The proposed facilities, on empty land to the north of KFC on Gipsy Lane, include 11 parking spots and six EV charging spaces.

The planning application was submitted by London-based One Wisbech Road March Ltd and approved by Fenland District Council on August 27. 

March Town Council  opposed the plans, recommending the application be refused over 'serious concerns' regarding drainage and flooding. 

In a written statement opposing the plan, one local resident said: "Main concern is the ground water table, which was very high last winter near the location of the proposed site, as evidenced by recent repeated flooding at Papworth Bungalow after rain fall.

"Previously had several inches of water flooding the driveway and front garden. Recently, the septic tank was overloaded due to the private sewer drain at Gypsy Lane not taking the excess water from the rain fall.

"Understand that there are known issues and concerns with the private sewer drain to the rear of Gypsy Lane. While the application mentions that the wastewater will be taken away by the “mains sewer”, there is no main sewage system at the proposed site or nearby."

Environmental Health said that while it had 'no objections' in principle, it remained concerned about the potentially "detrimental impact" on the amenity of nearby residential properties arising from "excessive noise and artificial light" caused by the proposed development.

Recommending the application for approval, the officer report said: "It is considered that, subject to the recommended conditions, the proposed development broadly accords with relevant local and national planning policies and guidance and would have acceptable impacts in respect of all relevant material planning considerations."

The site, run by Bocca Cafe, will join a number of other nearby facilities including The Cobblestones on Wisbech Road, a B&M store around 0.3 miles to the east of KFC and a Tesco superstore, petrol station and jet wash.

Cafe Bocca Limited was incorporated in 2002. Its Leicester site closed down in September this year, after 21 years of trading.

The full planning application can be viewed here.