Proposals for a new housing development on the edge of March have been refused. 

An application submitted to Fenland District Council sought planning permission 'in principle' for nine properties at Brownlows Yard at 400 Creek Road. 

A design and access statement published on behalf of the applicants said: "The proposal would comply with Fenland's Local Plan by having a third garden area, three parking spaces if the properties were two story 4-bed dwellings and the garages would be 7m by 3m clear internally. 

"Access to Brownlow's Yard is via Creek Road and the proposal is to widen the existing site. There is already an access off Creek Road to service the existing yard. 

"The proposed access would be 5.5m wide with 1.8m footways both sides and kerbs each side. The visibility splays and can be achieved in both directions." 

March Town Council had supported the application but it was unanimously rejected by Fenland District Council's Planning Committee. 

A report by planning officers concluded: "Officers are minded to recommend this application for refusal for two reasons.

"The first reason relates to surface water flood risk and the second reason relates to the impacts on the character and appearance of the area."

Writing in its decision notice, officers said the development's location and land use would place residents in "an unjustified risk of flooding". 

They added that the "development is located partially within an area of medium and high risk of surface water flooding."

Their report stressed that the flood risk impacts would "only be acceptable" if the application could demonstrate it had passed a "sequential test" before concluded other areas in March with a lower risk of flooding were available. 

Concerns were also raised over the potential "harmful encroachment" of the development on the countryside. 

Officers acknowledged that the application received more than six letters from local residents in support of the development.