People in Fenland can enrol in a free programme offering exercise and wellbeing activities.

Fenland District Council renews its free and low-cost exercise sessions through 'Active Fenland', inclusive of the latest initiative - 'Active for Health.'

Designed with currently inactive participants in mind, it offers 12 weeks of fitness sessions and a 90-day leisure centre pass.

Activities scheduled to commence this month include dance, stretch, kickboxing lessons, a free 'couch to 5k' running programme, walking football, and beginner badminton, among others.

Especially tailored for older adults is seated exercise for dementia patients and multi-sports social sessions.

Active for Health' introduces free fitness opportunities for adults in Fenland Active for Health' introduces free fitness opportunities for adults in Fenland (Image: Submitted)

Cllr Alex Miscandlon, Fenland District Council’s portfolio holder for leisure, said: “The ‘Active for Health’ courses are a great addition to our wide programme that has so much to offer all ages and abilities.

"We urge everyone to visit our website to take a look.

“The sessions all offer very supportive and friendly environments where even people who are nervous about joining report how much they enjoy it.

“The whole idea of Active Fenland is to help people to start taking part in regular activity and a journey to better health and wellbeing even if physical and emotional barriers are hindering them.”

Fenland offers free fitness and wellbeing initiative for weight loss Fenland offers free fitness and wellbeing initiative for weight loss (Image: Submitted)

'Active for Health' sessions are available for adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 or above, 23.5 for ethnic minorities (excluding white minorities), and those who exercise less than 30 minutes per week.

The 55-minute appointments take place at Hudson Leisure Centre, Wisbech, on Mondays beginning September 16 and George Campbell Leisure Centre, March, on Tuesdays starting September 17.

Funding for these opportunities through 'Active Fenland', with assistance from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) and Cambridgeshire County Council, aims to help people lead active lives, combating individual roadblocks.

'Active for Health' is a collaboration with Huntingdonshire District Council.