The new Wisbech Academy has welcomed its first pupils.

The school will be run by the Brooke Weston Trust, which also runs the Thomas Clarkson Academy in the town.

It will be accommodated initially on the site of the Thomas Clarkson Academy. The new permanent school building is expected to open in 2026.

A funding agreement to enable it to open in time for the start of term was signed in June by the Department for Education (DfE), who will deliver the new school.

A total of 95 applications were received for places at the school, and all 95 have been offered a place.

Cambridgeshire County Council advised parents in March that any child would be able to make an application to the school under a separate admissions round run by Brooke Weston Trust.

Following the signing of the funding agreement, the council and Brooke Weston contacted families whose children had been allocated a school place for September outside Wisbech to offer them an alternative place at the new academy.

Dr Rachel Lawrence-Byron, Associate Principal at The Wisbech Academy, said: “We are thrilled to have welcomed over 100 students into The Wisbech Academy last week.

“We were given approval to open just 107 days before the start of the new academic year and we embarked on a journey to achieve what felt like the impossible. Last week, the impossible has happened!.

“The hard work of our colleagues and our parents’ belief and unwavering patience in our vision has made this incredible milestone possible and for that we are incredibly grateful.

“We’ve put on lots of exciting welcome activities to get our students off to a great start and the celebrations will continue into next week.

“We can’t wait to watch our students grow over the next academic year and will be sharing lots of pictures on our social media throughout the next few weeks so make sure you’re following us and watch this space.”

Richard Scott, Executive Principal of The Wisbech Campus at Brooke Weston Trust, added: “This is a fantastic moment for the Wisbech community and we’re so proud of all the hard work and collaboration that has got us to this point, particularly over the last few months.

“Exciting plans are progressing for both the temporary and permanent school buildings and we know Cambridgeshire County Council and the Department for Education are doing everything they can to complete this as quickly as possible for us.

“We will keep our community updated throughout this journey and look forward to seeing our full vision coming to life.”

Cllr Bryony Goodliffe, Chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Children and Young People Committee said: “I am delighted that the new school is opening in time for the start of the new academic year.

“This is excellent news for Wisbech and its young people. I am particularly grateful for the persistence and hard work of council officers – in partnership with the Brooke Weston Trust and the DfE – which has enabled this to happen.

“I wish the new school staff and students all the best in the coming year.”

(Image: Athene Communications)