A Fenland man is gearing up for a half marathon in aid of a Wisbech-based animal rescue group.

Barry Chambers will take on the Great Eastern Run half marathon in Peterborough on Sunday October 13.

"As a huge lover of dogs, I would really love to raise funds for Ravenswood Pet Rescue, which is based at Walton Highway," he said.

So far Mr Chambers has raised £300, exceeding his initial £200 target - but he is keen to raise as much money as possible. 

"Ravenswood is a self-funded organisation that rescues abandoned and mistreated dogs, which incurs a lot of costs for care and veterinary fees.

"We ourselves have adopted several dogs from Ravenswood, who do a magnificent job in caring for every animal that passes through their door, nursing them back to full health.

"But it all costs money and, sadly, it's very scarce.

"I really would love to help Caroline and her team, who run Ravenswood.

"Any donation would be much appreciated."

To donate visit www.gofundme.com/f/great-eastern-run-in-aid-of-ravenswood-pet-rescue

(Image: Barry Chambers)