A paramedic found to have sexually abused a child has been struck off. 

Brian Brooker was found by a Health and Care Professional Tribunal Service panel to have engaged in "sexually motivated behaviour" with a minor.

He was also found to have committed sex acts while watching 'Toddlers and Tiaras', an American reality television series following contestants in a child beauty pageant. 

Brooker, who was based at Huntingdon Ambulance Station, did not attend the hearing, which was held between August 27-30, nor provide any written or oral representations. 

The panel concluded that Mr Brooker's behaviour amounted to "depraved, predatory behaviour and the abusing of a child for sexual gratification."

He was also found to have displayed violent behaviour towards the child, referred to as Person 2, when he "grabbed them by the neck" and made threats. 

Brooker, who worked for the East of England Ambulance Service between 1994 and 2011, was said to have demonstrated "no insight or remorse into his appalling behaviour." 

The panel concluded that Brooker's behaviour, whether considered individually or collectively, amounted to misconduct and breached the 2016 Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics.

The report said: "As indicated, this sexually motivated and violent behaviour is suggestive of deep-seated attitudinal issues, which will be difficult to remediate and there was no evidence of any attempt to remediate.

"In all the circumstances, the panel considered there to be a real risk that the Registrant would repeat his behaviour, particularly for so long as he remained in denial.

"The panel was particularly aware that a paramedic could have access to vulnerable children and women when acting in a solo role and this was a cause of great concern.

"Paramedics are expected to act with decency, honesty and integrity and the panel could not be confident that the Registrant would do so."

Person 2 told the panel that they first met Brooker when they were "around 7 or 8-year-old" when their mother, referred to as Person 1, employed him but that "things got progressively worse" after he moved in. 

The panel found that in addition to sexual abuse of Person 2, Brooker pushed, slapped and punched Person 1, "regularly" towards the end of their relationship.

In a witness statement submitted to the panel, Person 2 said they had never spoken about the sexual abuse until approaching the police in January 2018. 

They said: "I was genuinely terrified of breaking up the family. I was not worried that Person 1 would not believe me but I was scared of what would happen.

"I have always been scared of change so I thought if I could just stick it out and suffer or put up with it, I would not have to deal with talking about what happened to sort it out."

In 2018, Brooker was arrested and interviewed following reports by Person 1 of domestic abuse and sexual abuse by Person 2. 

He was bailed pending further enquires and in 2019 the police took no further action against him. 

The panel considered a lack of previous disciplinary findings but had "no evidence before it of any other mitigating factors". 

It also considered whether to make a Suspension Order but said there was "no evidence to suggest the Registrant is likely to be able to resolve or remedy his failings."

The HCPTS panel said "the only appropriate sanction" available was that he was removed from its register.