A Cambridgeshire village pub has been saved from demolition following plans to covert it into housing. 

The Three Horseshows, in Turves, Whittlesey, is the only pub in the village and was listed as 'permanently closed' and listed for £350,000 earlier this year. 

A planning application, which proposed five new homes on the site, was submitted by Morton & Hall to Fenland District Council in January this year. 

The plans would have seen the existing building demolished to make way for the two storey, semi-detached dwellings of "similar design". 

The application was confirmed as withdrawn on Monday, September 16. 

Dozens of residents raised objections to the proposals, expressing concerns over affordable housing and that the village would be left without a pub 

One person said: "To demolish the pub would be an abomination, ruining the history of the village. Who wants to live in a village just comprising of houses and nothing else?"

Another resident added: "We need a community hub/ place to go to as the pub is the only place to get together. Also come elections we would have to travel further which is not good for those of us that don't drive. We don't need anymore houses in the village."

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Turves and District Residents' Association (TDRA), said results from a survey show "strong support" from residents for retaining the pub. 

It read: "The proposed development of five dwellings does not include one 'affordable' dwelling. 

"Whittlesey Town Council's Neighbourhood Plan 'places great importance of the delivery of Affordable Housing."

It added: "The proposed development would clearly lead to a 'loss of an important space' - it's the only community 'space' in the entire village and surrounding areas.

"We are are content that the development does not make a positive contribution to the local distinctiveness and character of the area." 

The TDRA informed the planning committee that it would be making a "serious and official bid" to purchase the pub. 

Those who supported the application said the development would be an "improvement for the village". 

One resident said: "I fully respect the fact the Turves community do not want to loose their pub, but this pub is standing up by a thread and will need a lot of work and money put into it, which some people do not realise.

"If you go ahead a rejected the planning I do not think it is right that the owners should take a loss on their pub/home.

"I honestly feel this pub could stand empty or even get demolished once people realise the financial cost to bring it back to life.

"The owners are not doing this out of greed or spite to the local community it is sadly personal circumstance that are out of their control. I feel the owners of this pub should be granted their application, to allow them to move on with their life."