A gilded icon of the Virgin and Child has been stolen from a Cambridge university college chapel.  

The impressive piece depicts the Virgin and Child (Mother of the God of the Passion) with two archangels.  

Police have issued a public appeal for information after it was stolen from the Chapel of Magdalene College between September 24 and 25. 

The icon is painted on a wooden board with gold-leafed background and a red border.  

It measures approximately 35x25cm and 2.5cm thick. 

PC Emily-Jayne Matthews, from the Cambridge Neighbourhood Team, said: “The icon holds great value to those who are connected with it.  

“We would like to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time and may have seen anything suspicious. We would also like to hear from anyone who may have seen the item for sale or may know of its whereabouts.”  

The Chapel of Magdalene College is described as one of the “smaller and more intimate” college chapels at the University of Cambridge.  

It was built in the 1470s and is open every day.  

Anyone with information related to the incident is asked to contact police on 101 or report online www.cambs.police.uk quoting reference 35/70420/24.