A retrospective planning application for a Turkish restaurant that has already opened in a former bank in March has been recommended for approval.

The proposal is for a change of use of the old Natwest bank at 18 Broad Street to restaurant, and external alterations including removing signage, lengthening front windows and the erection of a rear timber canopy.

The design, access and heritage statement states: "March is evidently a traditional town with good values, but it requires the development of modern elements and improving the quality of spatial community living.

"This external planning aims to improve the town centre and the property's conversion.

RECOMMENDED READING: March Turkish restaurant F&S Majestic opens

"The proposed installations do not contravene any period features.

"In our view, the proposed works enhance the impact on the street scene, both on the front and rear elevations."

The application was received by Fenland District Council's planning team in August and validated on October 28.

March Town Council discussed the application at a meeting on November 4 and recommended the application for approval.