A Wisbech couple set out to walk 100 miles in January for charity – and raised seven times their original fundraising target.

Tom Cornwell, and his wife Emma, from Wisbech, walked for at least three miles every day throughout the month.

They braved all weathers and managed walk 120 miles in total and raise £700 for Dementia UK.

Their original fundraising target was £100.

Tom said: “We received a notification from JustGiving to say we were in the top 15pc of fundraisers in January.

“Thank you to everyone who helped us raise a fantastic amount. We’re absolutely thrilled.”

Cambs Times: Tom and Emma Cornwell ventured out in all weathers with their dogs to complete three miles of walking every day in January.Tom and Emma Cornwell ventured out in all weathers with their dogs to complete three miles of walking every day in January. (Image: Tom Cornwell)

He added: “We were inspired to fundraise for our nan, who we lost last year. She had dementia, and was a very special person to us.

“I think we all now know someone who has suffered from this condition, and we just wanted to help raise awareness.”

Tom and Emma have been on quite a journey over the last year.

Between them, they managed to lose six stone through attending the Wisbech Slimming World group.

And to keep fit and healthy, they’ve previously been walking between 50 and 60 miles a month.

For their January fundraiser, they increased the number of miles to 100.

Cambs Times: Tom and Emma Cornwell ended up walking 120 miles and raising £700 for Dementia UK. Their goal was to raise £100.Tom and Emma Cornwell ended up walking 120 miles and raising £700 for Dementia UK. Their goal was to raise £100. (Image: Tom Cornwell)

Tom said: “The sheer number of miles made it such a challenge.

“It got to a stage where the weather was bad, and we really had to push ourselves to go outside and do it.

“But we still went out every day and we’re so proud of the amount we’ve raised.”

The couple have two dogs and mainly clocked up the miles walking around Wisbech town centre.

At the weekends, they would head to more remote locations.

Cambs Times: Tom and Emma Cornwell enjoying one of the more sunnier days on their fundraising effort.Tom and Emma Cornwell enjoying one of the more sunnier days on their fundraising effort. (Image: Tom Cornwell)

Tom added: “The achievement of completing this challenge has inspired us to think about another fundraising activity.

“It would’ve been our nan’s 90th birthday in June, so we’re thinking of organising something around then too."

Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through its Admiral Nurse service.

Admiral Nurses offer families one-to-one support and guidance if their loved one is suffering from the condition.

It is still possible to donate to Tom and Emma’s JustGiving page.